Around The School

How to make a succulent garden

Year 2D and 2M have been creating 3 new succulent gardens around the trees outside the Year 1 classrooms.


First, we cut square shaped beds around the trees.

Next, John cut some wood for us and bolted it together to make the garden beds.

After that we filled in the beds with soil and sand.

We then took some cuttings from the big succulent gardens and planted them into the gardens.

Lastly, we put small stones on top of the soil.

And THAT is how we made 3 beautiful succulent gardens!


By Year 2

Mangia Mangia!

Italian for Year 4 students in Term 2 is all about food/cibo. They have been using the text 'Mangia Mangia’ which is about a little boy who wouldn’t eat his dinner and was feeding it to his cat (Micio) under the table! Their speaking and listening assessment task involved working in small groups to put on little ‘Mangia Mangia’ plays for their classmates.  As you can see, they were in full character and enjoyed every minute! 

Year 5 Launch into Science Fun

The Year 5s had an amazing time making very successful launches with Dean Walton's stomp rocket to identify forces in action. The children had a ball. Thank you to Dean for making the stomp rocket especially for the students.