
Opening of the MAG Fitness Centre

Wednesday 16 June was an exciting day for Moama Anglican Grammar with the official opening of our new Fitness Centre. This Centre has been a long-time vision for not only the PDHPE faculty, but for the entire MAG community. 


The Fitness Centre, in addition to complementing our PDHPE and PASS programs, offers an opportunity for the School community to actively engage in physical activity and fitness, instilling lifelong habits along the way.  The Fitness Centre has proven to be a valuable asset across faculties already and has provided further opportunities for cross-curricular work, particularly with Science. Students working on their Student Research Projects in Science have used the resources in the Fitness Centre to conduct experiments, linking their knowledge across Science and PDHPE.


It was wonderful to have the support of special guests for the opening on the day, including Mark Hall from Echuca Glass and Luke Diss and Gav Radley from NxtGen Fitness who have been instrumental in supporting our mission for the Fitness Centre. 


We were also taken on a journey back to the origins of the morning training sessions at the School. With star pickets as weights! Thank you for a fun and enlightening demonstration from Mr Cadd and students, we really have come a long way. 


We look forward to sharing this space with our School community and further developing and encouraging a passion for physical activity and fitness among our staff and students. 


Geography competition

Congratulations Hamish Smith on achieving a High Distinction in the recent Australian Geography Competition! Hamish’s results placed him in the top 2% of students in his Year Level across Australia. The Competition aims to encourage student interest in Geography and to reward student excellence.

Personality-inspired doughnuts!

The Year 7 Visual Arts classes have been busy creating ceramic donuts inspired by artist Jae Yong Kim. They were asked to design and create a donut with icing that represented their personalities. Check out some of their fantastic designs.

Italian Club and Italian Gnocchi Making

Recent activities for students include celebrating Festa della Liberazione (Italian Liberation Day) where the students made a wreath with the Italian coat of arms; Festa della mamma (celebrating Mother’s Day), Festa della Rebubblica (Italy’s National Day), where the students made their very own Italian flag - called il tricolore because of the three colours verde, bianco e nero. Students also competed in a quiz on Italy and won prizes.


The teachers of Italian, Prof Polvere and Prof Quill, have also been available during lunchtimes on Tuesdays to assist students with their Italian work.


This week the Year 9 Italian students got to put their culinary skills to the test by making gnocchi from scratch. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hopefully they will be able to replicate this dish for their families in the near future!


Buon appetito!

PDHPE - all about sports medicine

HSC PDHPE students had the fantastic opportunity of meeting with Harry Shirley from Border Osteo this week to discuss all things Sports Medicine. Students were taught how to apply preventative and isolation taping, linking how this can assist an athlete’s return to play and injury management. Harry was a wealth of information in regards to return to play and rehabilitation procedures, providing examples and answering a range of questions, assisting to deepen the student’s understanding. 


This was an extremely valuable experience for the students in the lead up to their final HSC assessments. We thank Harry for giving up his time to coming to see us.