School News

Room 3

This term Room 3 have been exploring classic Greek myths through our class novel, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. In this story, our main character, Percy, attends a camp for half-god children, where each of the Greek gods and goddesses have a cabin that represents their values with accompanying symbols. For example, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, so her cabin is adorned with owls and beautiful marble columns. We spoke as a class about our values and what hobbies and experiences are valuable to us. Room 3 then had the opportunity to create their own cabins that represented something that was important to them in their lives. We have seen some incredible and creative ideas such as a God of Bush Walking, a Goddess of Drama and a God of Stars. What would your cabin look like?

Room 7 Assembly

In Room 7 we have been participating in an Amazing Race around Europe. We have visited a range of countries, learning facts and details along the way. Room 7 boarded a flight this morning and due to some ‘technical difficulties’ we were able to share some facts and details about different countries in Europe. We hope you enjoyed our class assembly.  

Room 10 Assembly

Room 10 decided to use our financial literacy focus of learning about money in our Maths lessons as our assembly focus. We investigated how money came about and how it has changed over time. The students explained how before physical money such as coins and notes were around, people used a system called bartering. This was demonstrated with a play. The play went on a journey through time looking at how money has evolved and that in today’s society, due to the invention of credit cards, people don’t have the need to carry or use coins and notes as much. It was made clear that money has been around for a long time, but it has evolved along the way and the way it is exchanged going into the future remains uncertain. Our final part of our assembly was a fun coin rap explaining what appears on each of our Australian coins. 

National Reconciliation Week

More than a word. Reconciliation takes action.


“National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993, which was the International Year of the World’s Indigenous People, and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities. In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first NRW. In 2000, Reconciliation Australia was established to provide national leadership on reconciliation. In the same year, approximately 300000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of NRW, to show their support for reconciliation.

Today, NRW is celebrated by businesses, schools and early learning services, organisations, and individuals Australia-wide. 

What is reconciliation?

At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people for the benefit of all Australians.” (


At White Gum Primary School, all students coloured in a native hibiscus flower. The hibiscus flower has been approved as the official symbol for Sorry Day. The native hibiscus is a sign for truth, justice and reconciliation whilst the colour purple signifies compassion and spiritual healing.

The hibiscus flowers were then placed on a huge wagyl (snake) that was created by one of our parents, Penny Farrell, which has been on the wall outside of the library.

Students in each of the classrooms have been carrying out a range of activities learning about Reconciliation Week and its significance.


“I’d like to thank WGVPS staff, students and community for their acknowledgement and recognition of Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week. This is an important time for Aboriginal people and has personal significance for me and my family. Miss Tash (AIEO)”

Cricket Carnival

On Friday 21 May, some of the year 6 students attended the cricket carnival at Winterfold Primary School. There was a boys and a girls team and both teams did really well. First, we played against Fremantle, the girls beat them but unfortunately the boys didn’t. Next we played North Fremantle and once again the girls beat them and the boys didn’t unfortunately. Keep in mind some of the teams the boys played were INCREDIBLE so the boys were still doing really well. After that we played East Hamilton Hill and both teams won! Subsequently the girls played Winterfold in the Grand final and the boys against Hilton in the 3rd place playoff. We didn’t find out the results until presentations but we were all very proud of ourselves. The boys won YAY! The girls unfortunately came 2nd by 5 points but it was such a good day. Thanks to Mr Robinson and Ms Foster for all your help and support, the day would not have been possible without you. 

Bush Tucker Incursion - Pre Primary

The PP – 2 classes all participated in an incursion about the Aboriginal Seasons and the type of Bush Tucker that can be found at certain times of the year. Children sat in White Gum Valley’s beautiful yarning circle to listen to the presenter. 

Bee Talk - Pre Primary

The Pre Primary classes were very lucky to have a ‘Bee Expert’, (Mrs Colkin’s Dad), come and share some knowledge with them about honey bees and how they produce wax. We will be using the wax to make some Beeswax Wraps to sell at our whole school Market Day, later in the term.

Attendance Matters

Congratulations to Denby in Room 5, who won the latest Fortnightly Attendance Prize. Denby attended school every day for 2 weeks and was entered into our ‘wheel of names’ competition.



Well done to Room 6 who won the Class Competition in Week 4 with 97.2%. 


Well done to Room 11 who won the Class Competition in Week 5 with 98.2%.


Many thanks to the parents who inform the school of student absences.

This can be done in a number of ways

It is important that we are made aware of a reason for absence as our records are official to the department.


The E-Safety Commission website is a one-stop shop for providing information to parents/carers regarding internet safety. They are currently running a campaign for engaging young people in asking for help. Parents can play songs and show their children a story book that is online as well as carrying out a range of other activites.

More details can be found on  

In-Term Holidays

Many thanks to parents who send in the Students Taking In-Term Holidays form when you and your family take a break during the holiday. It is important that one is signed and sent to school for a holiday absence to be authorised by our principal. The form can be found at

White Gum Valley - Good Standing Policy