Bush Blitz Honour 

Congratulations to Ms Jenni Frank

Congratulations to Ms Jenni Frank who has been accepted for a program called Bush Blitz. It's a national partnership between the Australian Government, BHP and Earthwatch Australia that aims to discover, document and describe the unique flora and fauna of Australia. Only five applicants from around the country were offered this opportunity with Jenni being one of the lucky five.


It is the world’s first continent-scale biodiversity survey providing the knowledge needed to help protect Australia’s biodiversity. www.bushblitz.org.au


Bush Blitz TeachLive is an exciting, fully funded professional learning opportunity for teachers who participate as research assistants for leading scientists on Bush Blitz expeditions. They learn hands on, scientific research skills while helping to document plants and animals and potentially discover new species.


Whilst in the field, teachers share their experiences with their students through virtual lessons (eg. over Google Meet or Zoom) and other online tools, and through the Bush Blitz TeachLive website (https://www.earthwatch.org.au/Blogs/teacher-blog ) where they post blogs and share photographs.


The interactive nature of the Bush Blitz TeachLive program is an engaging way for teachers to improve their web-based teaching skills, learn current scientific research techniques, work in a team with world-class scientists and other teachers and learn more about unique Australian environments.


The expedition will be held at Groote Eyelandt for seven days and we look forward to seeing Jenni's expeditions.


Banner image source: https://www.australias.guide/nt/place/groote-eylandt/