Principal News

Reconciliation Prayer

Holy Father, God of Love,

You are the Creator of all things.

Give us the courage to accept the realities of our history so that we may build a better

future for our Nation.

Teach us to respect all cultures.

Teach us to care for our land and waters.

Help us to share justly the resources of this land. Help us to bring about spiritual and social change to improve the quality of life for all groups in our communities, especially the disadvantaged.

Help young people to find true dignity and self-esteem by your Spirit.


May your power and love be the foundations on which we build our families, our communities and our Nation, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

National Reconciliation Week 27 May – 3 June

Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.

To our new supporters, please remember the importance of privileging and amplifying First Nations’ voices as you add your voice to calls for reconciliation and justice.

Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures

2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process.

Find out more about National Reconciliation Week  #MoreThanAWord  #NRW2021




In light of the emergence of more locally acquired cases in Victoria there have been some changes to the COVID requirements for schools. 



Anyone who has been in Victoria since 12 May (excluding those who have only transited through an airport) should regularly check the Victorian Government here to check if they have been to any of the locations identified as a venue of concern.  The website is being regularly updated with new locations listed.  Anyone who has been in Victoria should monitor the site closely for changes. 


It is important that schools continue to follow the COVID-19 Guidelines. We wish to highlight the following: 

Students should not attend school if unwell, even with mild symptoms of COVID-19. Any person with any COVID-19 symptoms should be sent home and should not return until they have received a negative test result and are symptom-free. In circumstances where children have other medical reasons for recurrent symptoms a letter from their GP is sufficient to negate the requirement for a negative test. 


Anyone who is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms are strongly encouraged to get tested and self-isolate until a negative result is received. Location of testing clinics are available via the NSW COVID-19 Testing Clinics website.   

The College will be vigilant in implementing: 

Personal hygiene, physical distancing, cleaning and record keeping practices at all College events. 


Where possible use outdoor areas, weather permitting or large open spaces to enable adequate physical distancing. 

All visitors to a school site must be well and symptom free, comply with sign-in arrangements, and the 1.5m physical distancing requirements. 


All visitors to schools and offices should maintain 1.5m distance from other people where practicable. Avoid congestion of groups of visitors in specific areas where possible. 

All visitors to a school site must comply with sign-in arrangements. This includes the requirement to sign the school sign-in sheet where they acknowledge that they will comply with the COVID-19 requirements for visitors, contractors and service providers each time they visit.  Schools are encouraged to use QR Codes.  


We thank you for your continued understanding and support regarding this ever evolving situation. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the College office on 69692400.

Staff Spirituality Day - Friday June 11

Staff Spirituality Day will take place on Friday June 11. All classes will be suspended for the day so that all Marian staff can attend this important annual day to deepen our faith. Marist Schools Australia will be leading our program.


Peace and Best Wishes

Alan LeBrocque