Sacramental Updates

Dear Families, I hope this email finds you all well.
After discussion with Fr. Joe, we have decided that we will UNPAUSE the Sacramental program with a few changes moving forward.
FIRST RECONCILIAITON: As soon as the church is open again and we are able to celebrate this sacrament I will notify you all via email.
Preparation for Confirmation and First Eucharist: - Please be aware of changes – ignore all previous information about preparing for Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Next week I will give the children their workbooks for Confirmation and First Eucharist. Children at St. Brendan’s and St. Luke’s will receive their books via school.
I will contact our families whose children attend the state schools with information about how to collect the workbooks via an email early next week.
How it will work:
We are asking families to complete the two workbooks at home over the next couple of months.
You will complete one week at a time, starting with Confirmation.
I will email families each week, starting Monday 14th June as a reminder and also with some extra information to help. Our aim is to complete the two workbooks by early August.
Prior to the Sacramental Masses in August or whenever they will be held, we will run a workshop for parents to attend with their children to revise the workbooks and role play/practice celebrating the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. More details when we get closer to this stage.
Here to help!
If there are any parents who are concerned with working through the workbooks at home with their children an alternative is to run a weekly zoom meeting. If this is something you would be interested in please email me before next Wednesday.
Also please don’t forget I am in the office every Wednesday from 9am to 2pm 5821 2633 or you can email me should you or your child have any questions as you work through the workbook.
Finally a very special and sincere THANK YOU to our workshop leaders – Eloise, Rosemary, Kathy, Chris Summers, Chris Segrave, Danae and Judi. Your commitment to the Sacramental program and willingness to guide our families is greatly appreciated. Also thank you to Notre Dame, St. Brendan’s PS and St. Luke’s PS for letting us use your classrooms.
Let’s keep each other in our prayers as we recommence our sacramental program.
In Baptism we undertook
to be the first educators of our children in the faith.
We now ask the strength of our God
to help us continue to respond to this call.
May we understand more deeply
the gift of his love
as we help prepare our children
to participate fully in the Sacramental life
of the Catholic Community.
Take care. Stay safe. Let’s unite in prayer that the lockdown in Victoria will stop the virus spreading any further.
Sincerely, Laura O'Sullivan (Sacramental Co-ordinator)