Catholic Identity

200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia
This year we celebrate 200 years of Catholic education in Australia and to commemorate this special occasion each fortnight the students and teachers at St Brendan’s (200 combined) will be asked to share their learning or teaching journey in Catholic Education. In Father Rob’s National song for Catholic Education, ‘Faith in the Future’, there is a verse that mentions, ‘200 reasons to sing…’. This will be the driving focus for this segment in our newsletter. We hope you enjoy reading and learning more about why our students and teachers here at St Brendan’s and their Catholic Education journey.
Laudato Si’- an encyclical written by Pope Francis
This week during our staff prayer, we were reminded of the powerful encyclical written by Pope Francis in May 2015. This ground breaking environmental encyclical is called, Laudato Si- Care of our common home.
Every year on May the 24th the anniversary of this great encyclical is celebrated.
To mark this milestone, Catholics world wide engage in ecological celebrations and sustainability actions to demonstrate a commitment to making our world a better place.
The encyclical provides a moral and spiritual compass for the journey to create a more caring, fraternal, peaceful and sustainable world.
All students across the school are currently learning about CREATION through our Religious Education program, in the coming weeks I will present photos of the students work and reflections relating to Creation and Sustainability.
Below is a clip of Pope Francis sharing the importance of care for our common home.
“ All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.” -Pope Francis