A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Welcome Back!
It is great news that all students in Regional Victoria will return to face to face learning from tomorrow, Friday 4th June.
We are very fortunate to only have had four days of remote learning, and we feel for all people in Melbourne that continue with the stricter restrictions.
Many thanks to all families for supporting their children with their work. Teachers phoned families and were impressed with the work the children were undertaking.
We look forward to welcoming the children back to school tomorrow.
Gates will open at 8.30am in the morning. We ask that parents if possible, leave the children to walk into school by themselves. Teachers will be at the gates. If you need to go to the front office, masks must be worn. When picking up children, you must maintain social distancing and wear a mask.
If you stay longer than 10 minutes, please ensure you have used the QR codes displayed on classroom doors and around the school.
We will continue our high level of cleaning in all areas.
Thankyou for your understanding.
F.I.R.E. Carriers
Congratulations to the children who were chosen to become FIRE Carriers. FIRE Carriers stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education.
As a FIRE Carrier school, we show our respect for Indigenous cultures. We aim to work together for the betterment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Professional Development
Our teachers continued their work with our Educational Consultant, Andrea Hillbrick, during lockdown by working in their teams online with Andrea.
Teams felt this was very beneficial to continue the work on our literacy.
Kind regards and take care,
Paula Stevenson (Principal)