End of Term Information

Parents will already be aware of the expectations on students wearing school uniform.
Recently, School Council endorsed some changes to the uniform which includes:
- Students may now wear black runners or black leather school shoes. Shoes that are not completely black in colour are not permitted.
- Students may wear either the Burgundy Jacket or Sports Spray Jacket as an outer garment.
The table below provides detail of what the uniform is and is not, and we ask that families work with the school to ensure their son/daughter is in full uniform.
Thank you for your continued support as the College provides the very best learning programs we can under what have again been challenging circumstances this Term.
As we come to the end of Term 2, the Department of Education and Training with the Chief Health Officer are reviewing practices and process within Schools and will provide updated guidance to us in time for Term 3. We that all camps, excursions and school sports will return to normal for Term 3.
In the meantime the College continues to implement all possible hygiene measures to ensure that students and staff have a safe learning and working environment.
Please do not forget that you can give ongoing support to your child by monitoring their progress using COMPASS. To access Compass just log in to:
https://jfc-vic.compass.education/login.aspx using the username and password that you received. Alternatively, you can now download the Compass App onto your phone or tablet for easy access via the Google Play Store or iTunes App Store.
You can use the Compass portal to:
- Read progress reports
- Read semester reports
- Monitor your child's attendance data
- Approve or enter upcoming or past absences for your child
- View information about upcoming excursions
- Update your registered email and mobile phone number details (used for SMS alerts)
- Book for Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews
- View the school calendar for important dates/events
- Access news items that may be posted on a daily basis
If you have difficulty logging in, or do not know your login details, please contact the College for assistance on 9359 1166.
Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don't fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.
We realise some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically. It is important that you contact the school as soon as possible (on 9359 1166) to inform us of your child’s absence. We also ask parents/guardians/carers to regularly monitor their child’s attendance through the Compass Parent Portal.
A day here or there doesn’t seem like much but…
Children riding bicycles to school need parent/carer guidance and training regarding road
safety. This will be reinforced at school, but the parental role is vital. Students are
reminded that the wearing of bike helmets is compulsory by law. Bicycles are to be secured with a bike lock in the bike racks at the front of the school. The school is not responsible for theft or loss in regard to bicycles.