Visual Arts  

Year 8 Art 

It is fantastic to have Year 8 Art being offered to the core curriculum at KSC this year. 

It has been a very exciting curriculum where the students have experienced tasks in:

AT1 Drawing folio

Aim: Students will compile a folio of works after a series of lessons that focus on drawing. They will use their visual diary to record a wide range of drawing trials and experiments, they will then collate a fold out folio from chosen pages of the visual diary.

AT2 Responding to Art

Aim: Students will be guided through the process of learning how to articulate their personal responses to artworks.

AT2 Concept inspired artwork - water colour

Aim: To explore and develop watercolour painting practices using a variety of techniques to produce an individual artwork based on the concept of People and Technology.               AT3 3D Task

Aim: The aim of this task is to create a sculpture of a human head. You will be required to think in 3Dimensions when creating a form. You will be working on your fine motor skill and how to manipulate air dry clay as a material.


Please see the attached powerpoint presentation that 8B completed for the AT2 Concept: 


Well done 8B


Helen Briffa

Arts Domain Leader