Middle Years

Girl Power!
During the Term 2 holidays, when most students were hanging out with their friends or sleeping in, we were packing our bags for a three-night and four-day camp. We were accepted into the Girl Power in Engineering and IT Program, where we obtained the opportunity to learn about engineering and learn to work collaboratively with complete strangers. The Girl Power in Engineering and IT program is endorsed by Melbourne University to promote the involvement of young girls choosing Engineering and IT and to decrease the gender gap in Engineering and IT, especially in Technology.
The four-day camp consisted of hands-on and interactive workshops from each discipline of engineering. The workshops explored software engineering, VR workshops, electrical engineering and hands-on classes at the Telstra Creator space (a new program that we were the first participants to experience). The mentor program was a wonderful aspect of the program. We were able to ask questions about engineering and university life from current engineering students and why they chose to study engineering. We stayed at Trinity College where we got a glimpse into what university life feels like.
The three-nights consisted of a trivia night, a movie night and a panel night. The trivia night was a great way to interact with the other students who had also been selected into the program and make new bonds that would be influential for the future. The second night we watched the Hidden Figures, which provided an insight into the first three women who worked for NASA. The highlight of the camp was the Careers Panel night. The Panel was led by Professor Sandra Kentish (Head of the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Melbourne University). We also heard from successful female specialists who discussed their careers in chemistry research, ‘ethical hacking’, aerospace engineering and biomedical innovations. This was a very inspiring and thrilling night where we discovered and learnt from their experiences both in University and in their workplaces.
The camp was an enjoyable experience where we were able to make connections with new people, learn about the field of engineering and the many career possibilities. We encourage more girls to apply for this program, even if they are not sure if they wish to pursue engineering as a career. The experience will be a memorable one and may impart a new interest in engineering.
Should students have any questions or would like to know more about the program and how to apply, please feel free to chat to us in person or by email.
Jessica Downie 9D and Swathi Santosh 9B
Koonung students performing in 'Camberwell Showtime' production
Good luck to Koonung students Callum Cuddihy (8D) and Oliver Troedel (9B) for their upcoming performances in the 'Camberwell Showtime' production.
‘Camberwell Showtime’ is in its 56th year and is developed and
produced by Scouts and Guides of Boroondara and Yarra. It is a wonderful opportunity for young people to be exposed to the world of theatre and everyone has been working so hard to make it the most exceptional performance in 2021.
This year audiences are in for a treat with a double feature of two productions 'The House' and 'Game of Phones' which are suitable for all ages and will be performed at the Hawthorn Arts Centre from the 6 - 14 August.
To reserve tickets for this event click on the flyer or go to www.camberwellshowtime.com
Note: At the time of writing we were not in lockdown. I am sure the "Camberwell Showtime" cast are very disappointed. Hopefully the show will go on after lockdown.
Middle School reminders
- Year 7 Sport Education Day is Thursday, students are to wear their PE uniform all day
- Year 8 Sport Education Day is Wednesday, students are to wear their PE uniform all day
- Live Life casual dress days, students are to wear neat casual clothing
- School classes start at 8.50am and finish at 3:15pm
- Students and parents must check Compass every day for room and class changes
- Students are encouraged to bring drink bottles in the warmer weather
- If your child has Physical Education during the day they need to check Compass the night before to determine if it is a practical (PE uniform) or theory class (academic uniform)
- Sports equipment can be borrowed at recess and lunchtime at the Middle Years Centre
- Students should be using ‘My Tasks’ on Compass to record day to day homework
- A supervised Homework Club is available in the library Monday after school until 4pm
Stuart Kofoed
Director of Learning - Middle School