Senior School News 

GAT rescheduled and Consideration of Educational Disadvantage

The VCAA announced that the General Achievement Test (GAT) has been postponed and will now be held on Tuesday 5 October.  It has also been announced that all students undertaking a Year 12 subject this year will go through a Consideration of Educational Disadvantage (CED) process to assess if their results need to be moderated due to the impact of COVID-19 and lockdowns. We will provide further information about this process to families across the coming weeks.


Senior School Formal Postponed

Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the Senior School Formal which was due to take place next Thursday 5 August due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. We will work with our host venue to organise an alternative date later this term if restrictions are changed. If this occurs a new date may be booked in with a short lead in time but this is unavoidable in the current circumstances.


VCE team contact list 

Below is a list of key contact email addresses if specific assistance or guidance is needed: 



VCAA, Assessment and Exams:

General Year 12 Inquiries:

General Year 11 inquiries:

General Year 10 Inquiries:

Pathways, University Information and VTAC:



Senior School team 2021


Director of Learning -

Senior School 

Mr Conor Sheehan




Senior Years Administrator

Mrs Zaiga Bendrups 





Year 12 Coordinator 

Dr Michael Harte





Year 11 Coordinator 

Ms Stephanie Grant 





Year 10 Coordinator 

Mr Michael Kyrkou