Principals' Report

Executive Team Report
Here we go again...
We are navigating another period of remote and flexible learning as we move into Lockdown number 6. It is disappointing for all, as morale had generally been very positive when we returned back to school after Lockdown 5. Staff members had been impressed by the focused transition displayed by students for the short period we were back. I have faith that we will again smoothly transition into remote learning via zoom conversations and working through the lesson plans provided by teachers. As always, we would prefer to be conducting our learning program in person, so we can interact with each other and gain energy from our peers. However, engaging as positively as we can will be valuable in the meantime.
I understand that yet another lock down and the associated stresses are challenging, so we need to be looking out for each other. It is always disappointing when key events are postponed or cancelled and it can be hard to maintain optimism, however, staying engaged with our peers, friends and families can help. Our Executive, Sub-schools and Wellbeing teams are available to provide support as required, as is our teaching and education support staff. Please do not hesitate to reach out on behalf of yourself or others.
Also, look out for the useful tips and resources being posted on Compass by Ewa Oaten and the Wellbeing team.
Take care everyone, we are looking forward to a return to on-site learning as soon as we can.
Marianne Lee
General Achievement Test (GAT) change of date
The GAT, at this stage, is still scheduled to be held on Thursday 12 August. All students enrolled in a VCE unit 3 or 4 study must sit the GAT.
2022 Planning
Planning for 2022 is underway, with course counselling and subject selections for students in Years 9 to 11 currently being completed. These 1:1 sessions are important forums in which to discuss students’ progress and future plans. Student’s choice of subjects helps to determine which subjects run the following year which, in turn, has an impact on staffing. Another factor informing our planning is our enrolment numbers, particularly at incoming Year 7 level. Based on applications received, we are anticipating around 225 to 235 Year 7 students next year, so nine or possibly ten Year 7 classes. This will bring our total student enrolment in 2022 to approximately 1,180 students.
Staffing update
We welcome Ewa Oaten, returning to the College as our mental health practitioner. This role is part of a state-wide initiative to support student mental health and involves contributing to whole school student wellbeing and mental health promotion for students and parents/carers, as well as student counselling support and other early intervention services. Ewa has an extensive background working as a social worker in a variety of school settings.
We also welcome Anne Taylor, who joins our Program for Student with Disabilities (PSD) team as a student support officer. Anne also brings a wealth of experience with her.
New locker bays
We are constructing two new locker bays between the classroom wings. The new bays will reduce congestion in the corridors and will also provide a protected place for students to sit once we install seating around the areas. We expect the new locker bays to be in operation at the start of term four.
Minor capital works fund application
We are in the process of applying for funds using the minor capital works fund to upgrade our male and female breezeway toilets. The toilets are in (almost) original condition and have repeatedly been identified as a priority improvement by our students. We are hopeful that the toilet block refurbishment application, designed to improve amenity, cleanliness and hygiene, will be successful.
Capital works program update
There have been a few delays over the last few months, mainly due to construction supply shortages. However, the building is taking shape and concrete and steel for the first floor was installed last week. The building is still on target for completion in mid November this year.
College Council has agreed to pursue the completion of the ground floor of this section of the building using locally raised funds. We are awaiting figures from the architects and the VSBA to complete our business case to request a variation to the current works. This must be approved by the Minister for Education, James Merlino, before we can proceed.
Stace Kerr
Business Manager