Student and Lunchtime Activities

Introducing Mindfulness Mondays - lunchtime activity
Come along to 'Mindfulness Mondays!' A space where you can take some time to set up a clear and positive headspace for the week ahead by doing mindful activities such colouring in/crosswords/word searches, making stress balls, listening to relaxation music and weekly goal setting. This will be held in room 16 at lunchtime commencing this week.
Beeswax Wrap Workshop
On 11 May and 22 June, the STEM and Environment Captains ran Beeswax Wrap workshops to promote sustainability. The workshop encourages students to reduce plastic waste in their everyday lives by taking the first simple step of opting to use reusable beeswax wraps rather than disposable cling wrap. Prior to the actual workshop, the STEM and Environment captains also ran an information session to provide students with further insight into its importance.
Across both days there was a great turnout from students of all year levels as the workshop allowed them to be actively involved in the Beeswax wrap-making process. Students used irons to melt the beeswax onto the patterned fabric of their choice and went home with a beeswax wrap that is ready to use!
Overall, the workshop was a great success and the STEM and Environment captains would like to extend thanks to Ms Sens and Ms Caine for their assistance in both the organisation and supervision of this workshop.
STEM Captain (Rui Ann)
Lunchtime Activities
If you don't feel like sitting out lunchtime, join in on one of the many activities run by both teachers and students. Click on the table below to view some of the activities on offer.
Shaun Sanderson
Lunchtime Activities Coordinator