Library News

Library News

The school library is a wonderful hub of learning and discovery where all students are welcome.


Other than offering books, computers and resources, the library is a safe space where students are encouraged to think, create and share information with their friends. Respect for other library users and the resources is something we value at our College. 


Library opening hours:

  • Monday:  9am - 4pm
  • Tuesday:  8:30am - 4pm
  • Wednesday:  8:30am - 4 pm
  • Thursday:  9am - 4pm
  • Friday:  8:30am - 4pm

Open daily before school, at recess and lunch.


Borrowing is for a month and is unlimited.  We have an extensive collection with lots of fabulous new fiction and non-fiction books waiting for you to read! Become part of our reading community and have lots of fun chats about literature with us.


Sue Hayward

Curriculum Resource Manager



The Dog Runner 

by Bren MacDibble (find me in the Science fiction section) 

Ella and her brother Emery escape from an increasingly dangerous city to find family and safety. They are alone in a barren landscape but they have five big dogs and a dry-land dogsled… 


This book was the Winner of the 2019 Aurealis Award for best children’s fiction and was Shortlisted for the CBCA 2020 Wards, Book of the Year, Younger Readers. It is also popular with DSC students. 



by Ondine Sherman (find me in the Animals section)


First in a very popular trilogy of books…


After her mother dies, Sky moves to a small Australian town to live with her aunt and uncle. It is a difficult time in Sky’s life and not the easiest place to live. 


The companionship of a stray dog helps her question what’s really important to her and who she wants to be. 



by Greg Van Eekhout (find me in the Science fiction section)

Cog is a robot who looks like a normal twelve year old boy. He is looking for a family and a world with equity and freedom for all …

A fun adventure story.



We look forward to seeing you in the library soon!  Come and find the perfect book for you.


Miriam Evans

Library Technician