International Students

Attendance Award for Term 2

CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who have Excellent Attendance (100%) in Term 2 study.  You have shown us your ability of being resilient and being responsible for your own study. 

You should be very proud of yourself!

AL ABBAD, Fatima
BUI, Harry
CAI, Alex
CHAO, Simon
CUI, Catherine
FAN, Eva
FANG, Olivia
HOH, Kit Yun
JIA, Bruce
LAK, Kiarash
LAM, Alvin
LAM, Bryan
LI, Jiahang
LIU, Darren
LU, Cynthia
LU, Mina
NG, Chris
NG, Suey
NGO, Don
ONWUMERE, Christabel
ONWUMERE, Emmanuella
QIN, Kelvin
SHIU, Jeffrey
WEN, Chloe
YU, Claire
YU, Felicita
ZHAO, Rebecca
ZHOU, Tracy

Homework Club: Monopoly

This week at Homework Club, students played a board game called Monopoly.  Students took initiative to rearrange and set up the equipment, including the property deeds, cards and money. 


Although the game was popular, there were two students not familiar with the rules, so the other players explained to them in detail and everyone learned and improved by playing.


Students demonstrated skills of maths, financial management, negotiation and decision-making.  Some of them spent more time on making transactions, and the others showed their respect and patience and sometimes gave suggestions.  During the game, students discussed economic inequality and shared budget management in their own life. 


It was a relaxing learning experience for the students to finish a school day with laughter and nice memories with friends. 


Samantha Dong

International Student Program Education Support

Homework Club with Ziggy

At the beginning of homework club, students played with the Educational Support Dog, Ziggy  and watched Ms. Sally MILLER demonstrate the interaction and training with Ziggy.  Students were impressed by Ziggy’s mild temperament and intelligence. 


After that, students paired up and played a game “Pictionary”. Each team was given a list of words related to a topic and they drew pictures that suggested every word to let the other students guess. Students had good vocabulary and were able to draw an object or scenario to describe the words. Their creativity and language communication skills were amazing!


At the end of the homework club, students received lollies and letter paper sets as acknowledgment of their commitment to the homework club this term. 


Sally Huang

Director of International Student Program