Mr. David Browne

Remote Learning

I don't have any additional information than you with regards to when the current lockdown and subsequent remote learning process will end.  My sincere thanks to the students who are engaging in their classes, completing their set work and communicating with their teachers.  For those who are not, I implore all parents to be encouraging their students to be working as best as they can, participating in WebEx sessions and reaching out for help from their staff.  It is not easy for anyone - students, parents and staff.  I know that my team are working around the clock to have work available for students - please make sure that every student is doing the best they can to access the work and submit work.


We have limited staff on site, who will supervise students who cannot be completing their work at home or where alternative supervision arrangements can't be made.  This service is only available for parents who are essential workers and students with a disability.  Student who come in will not be having formal lessons, they will be supervised while they complete their remote learning work.  Please note that they must be bringing their own lunch/drinks, as the cafeteria is closed.


The form to request student supervision can be downloaded here:


Due to the uncertainty with lockdowns and border closures, and the extended disruption to learning, I have made the difficult decision to cancel the Year 7 Camp to Echuca and the Tertiary Trip to Adelaide.  Families directly involved have been emailed to find out what they would like to do with any deposits etc paid.


In order to to try to make the Year 10 Snow Trip a viable option, I have opened this up to Year 11 students.  Mr Cavallo (yr11 YLC) has contacted families about this.

Year 12 - GAT and Consideration of Disadvantage

As you have probably heard through various media outlets, the 2021 GAT has been delayed again.  The new date is Thursday August 12 2021.  This allows schools to ensure COVID safe protocols to be in place and for students to have communication with their teachers face to face prior to the GAT,


It is VITAL that all who are supposed to sit the GAT do so.


VCAA have also informed schools that the Consideration of Disadvantage for VCE or VET scored subjects will continue this year.  Special Consideration  will also be available for VCAL students. More information on this to follow.


We will keep you informed as often as we can, as soon as we know ourselves, of any changes etc.


David Browne
