4/5D Primary Mass

4/5D will celebrate the life of St Mary Magdalene in their Primary Mass next Friday, 23rd July at 9:15am at Sacred Heart Church. 


Mary Magdalene, a well known biblical figure, is mentioned fourteen times in the New Testament. Technically, she is Mary of Magdala; Magdala being her hometown, which was a village on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Mary Magdalene was known to stay beside Jesus throughout his crucifixion and she was one of the women who attended his tomb, only to find it empty. She was the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection and the first to share the news of his resurrection.

Mary is mentioned in all four of the gospels. These references depict Mary as a leader of women. She is often named in connection with other women, but always heads the list.

We can all learn from Mary Magdalene. We can learn that Jesus can heal us all, as he did for her. And we can learn what is means to be Jesus’ faithful servant, as Mary so clearly was.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Baptised Catholic students in Year 3 (or those students who have missed the sacrament in previous years) have the opportunity to make their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion this term. This year the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be during the week of the 9-12 August and First Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 15 August 2021 at 3pm.

Families are strongly encouraged to attend one of the two available parent information sessions. They are tomorrow, Wednesday 14 July at 1:10pm or Wednesday 14 July at 6:00pm. These will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Children are NOT required to attend. 

Further information about the Sacraments will be given out at the information sessions. If you have any questions about the upcoming sacraments, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

Marriage and Family Week

Marriage and Family Week begins on Sunday 25 to Saturday 31 July. The focus for this year is The Family: I am with you always. During week 3, students will be taught specific lessons that will develop their understanding of the topic around the family.

For the Calendar

Term 3 2021

14 July - First Communion Information Sessions. 1:10pm or 6pm at SHC

23 July - 4/5D Mass 9:15am at SHC

Week 3 - Marriage and Family Week

30 July - 1D Liturgy 9:15am at SHC

6 August - 5/6A Mass 9:15am at SHC

13 August - Year 7 Mass 9:15am at SHC

15 August - First Communion 3pm SHC

20 August - 1W Class Liturgy 9:15am at SHC

27 August - 3/4G Mass 9:15am at SHC

30 August - Year 8 Christian Living Day

31 August - Year 9 Christian Living Day

3 September - KW Liturgy 9:15am SHC

10 September - 5/6G Mass 9:15am at SHC


Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator