Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 3

It was great to see our students this morning at our welcome back assemblies. We also welcomed three new families to our school today - the Cleary's, the O'Neill-Yee's and the Pettiford's. We hope they feel comfortable in our school community. 


Yesterday the staff had a day looking at our LIving Well, Learning Well document. Mr Jason Hanahran, our School Performance Leader from the Armidale CSO, presented to our staff in regard to looking at student participation where they have voice, choice, influence and feel part of the team. We will continue to work on this over the term.


This term has begun with new COVID-19 guidelines and protocols. These have been published via COMPASS and Facebook. Below are the main points:

Masks are not mandatory in the school setting but are recommended for staff and secondary students. We would encourage all secondary students to bring a mask in case there are situations where they feel more comfortable wearing them or there are situations that require them.

Students in Secondary must wear a mask on buses.

We are supportive of any families decision for their children, K-10, who wish to wear a mask.

We are no longer able to have non-essential visitors in school, this includes parents. Therefore, we return to asking families to stay outside the gates at drop off and pick up times.

Families are welcome to come to the Front Office to meet with school staff and to sign students in and out. They can attend the uniform shop and our volunteers can assist in the canteen. The new requirement is that visitors sign in with the QR code on entering the school site and wear a mask.

We continue to have procedures around handwashing, sanitising and coughing and sneezing hygiene.

Students who are unwell with even the mildest flu-like symptoms need to produce a negative COVID-19 test before returning to school.


We have put our main dates in the Upcoming Dates section of the newsletter for your planning. Obviously, some may be subject to change due to COVID-19 restrictions. We are looking forward to a productive and happy term. Please don't hesitate to contact me at school in the Front Office or email me: 

Have a great term,


Thank you!

Our families, students and staff support of our "Shine for Sheldon" fundraising day was amazing. We have sent the Brown family $3000 to support them as Sheldon receives treatment in John Hunter Hospital for Leukemia. They are so appreciative of this and offered their sincere thanks. Well done to our Trinity family!


Last call for SRC, House Captains and Vinnies Exec photo orders. Orders have been extended until this Friday. Please see Michelle at the Front Office to order and pay.


If your child needs to have medication administered at school please fill in a medical permission slip available at the office or attached in the Office section of the newsletter. Please talk with our Front Office staff so we understand the needs of your child.


Planning is underway for Kindergarten 2022. If you would like to enrol your child, please see Cathy for an Enrolment Application. Enrolment forms are due back to our office this Friday 16 July.