From the Classrooms

Week 7 Term 3


The Preps were lucky enough to sneak in and celebrate their 100th day of school before the remote learning period. We enjoyed 2 days of exploring the number 100 through a variety of games, activities and play in preparation for the big day. We then used the 100th day to count 100 items brought in from home, play the famous game ‘race to 100’ and make some special crowns to honour the occasion. Treats were enjoyed and songs were sung too! It was a real delight to participate in something so special in our classrooms and in person. Thanks, Preps!

100 Days
We can count 100!
100 Days
We can count 100!

Level 1 & 2

Before the remote learning period, the Grade 1 and 2 students enjoyed creating and publishing their own narrative stories. 1C loved the opportunity to create their own characters and settings. We enjoyed designing our characters and bringing them to life through drawings. We then learned how to take creative photos on our iPad, and placed our character cut outs around the school to take pictures of our story setting. It was so much fun becoming photographers for our own stories!

Take a look below for some brilliant examples!

Level 3 & 4

We have been loving our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden in Grade 3 and 4. It has been so much fun learning how to make more delicious recipes this term, including stir fry and lemon drizzle cake! Even though we are at home at the moment, the fun in the kitchen hasn't stopped. Check out some of the amazing dishes created by our 3/4 chefs below!

Green Tree Stir Fry
Sausage Rolls
Chocolate Torte
Smoothie Icy Poles
Mint Chocolate Shake
Sticky Date Pudding
Green Tree Stir Fry
Sausage Rolls
Chocolate Torte
Smoothie Icy Poles
Mint Chocolate Shake
Sticky Date Pudding

Level 5 & 6

It has been a busy time for all the Grade 5 and 6 students, both on site and in remote learning. Please read the articles written by our students to see what we have been up to!


The Olympic Games

The Olympics is an amazing time to either watch your country battle it out against other countries or just relax and watch what’s on offer. At school we were able to watch some of the Olympic sports like swimming, athletics, basketball and much more. There were chants and there was screaming in support of the athletes, but it was the best when our country won gold. Everyone went crazy; screaming and jumping around in celebration. It was not a quiet place when it came to the finishing moments of a race or event. You couldn’t relax much when watching the games because every second, hearts were pumping and our minds had only one thought: COME ON AUSSIES!

By Archie 6B



While the Tokyo 2020 Olympics took place, students got to watch some of the events, such as swimming, BMX racing and basketball, live. We all cheered on the Aussies. Watching them win gold was amazing and super exciting. There was screaming and cheering at the TV! We all went nuts! 

     My favourite moment that we watched at school, was when Kyle Chalmers won the silver medal in the 100m freestyle. The race was so close at the end, Caleb Dressel just managed to take the win. The Grade 6 level were able to write about their favourite moment in the Olympics. Due to lockdown, we completed this at home.

     Being able to watch some of the Olympics at school was awesome. Seeing these top athletes perform on a world stage was really inspiring. Watching the new Olympic sports such as surfing, skate boarding, rock climbing and BMX freestyle was so cool.

By Nathan 6B


The Potato Olympics

The Potato Olympics was completed by the grade 5/6s earlier this Term. It was based off the Olympics, but each student had their own potato as a competing athlete. Everyone had a great time as we competed for our potato country across the year levels. We designed flags and had country names, like Potato Mash. There was an opening and closing ceremony too.  After naming our potatoes it was time for them to compete. They competed in diving, the 100m sprint, long jump, rhythmic gymnastics and more. After the winners were selected, there was a potato podium for the medals. All the grade five and sixes were very proud of their potato. 

By Judah 6B


By Tash 6A
By Kayla 6A
By Chloe 6A
By Tash 6A
By Kayla 6A
By Chloe 6A


The Potato Olympics helped to cheer us up from the lockdown (5.0) that had been stressful for some students. The students were given a potato each to design and make them look like Olympic athlete. They designed a flag for their potato country and competed in sports such as Long Jump, where they used a cardboard ramp and measured how far their potato went. There was Rhythmic Gymnastics too, where they span their potato and timed how long it kept on spinning. 

     Another sport was diving, where students dropped their athletes at shoulder height in a small bucket, causing a splash. They measured how much water had they splashed away. The clever thing that some students discovered was that if they hit the side of the bucket it would break the impact and when it went in it would barely cause a splash! Two students tied 1st place with 0ml. There was also a 100m sprint. There were straws stuck in a ramp and you had to get the fastest time to get down. Some students; potatoes did not even make it down because of how the shape of the potato. Finally, there was the balance beam that the students’ potatoes had to make it across. 

     The students had fun and it cheered them up from all the lockdowns. Congratulations to all the winning potatoes. 

By Jack 6B

Remote Learning

Year six has been coping with lockdown well. The teachers, Elle and Tim, have been amazed by the work that the students have been posting on Showbie. The teachers are also very supportive and bring joy to our day, everyday! Just this week, Tim and Elle decided that every Tuesday and Thursday, all the grade six students could come to an optional meeting at twelve o’clock and play some games together.


The funniest thing that happened this week was when Tim started singing to people with their camera off to remind/annoy them to turn it back on; keep up your day job, Tim! Year six have been enjoying their humorous meetings and they have been staying strong through these sad times. The teachers are proud of them all! Keep well and stay safe guys.

By Angus 6B


More Highlights

Our resident Grade 6 chef, Caleb, continues to amaze us all with his baking skills. Check out one of his creations from this term, which he made for Tim's birthday. Caleb highly recommends purchasing a kitchen aid, stating that when deciding which colour to buy, "matte black is the way to go!"


The Grade 6's have been learning all about measurement and geometry with a range of hands on maths tasks, centred around volume and capacity, angles and more!


As part of CBL this semester, Grade 5 and 6 students have been learning about social enterprise in the $20 Boss Program. They have been developing their collaboration and problem solving skills and are investigating some 'needs' in the community.