Green Team News

by Charlee K, Chelsea A & Green Team Leaders


Our two 4B Green Team girls Charlee K & Chelsea A, set off on an adventure to help our planet thrive as there is no planet B. 

Pollution is not helping our world, neither our bodies. If you would like to help our one and only planet A please follow these steps to reduce the pollution on our planet. 

  • Ride to school as much as you can.
  • Bring nude food - don’t bring single use plastics.
  • Try and reuse as much as you can.
  • Recycle as much as you can.
  • Try and create your own compost.
  • Try and reuse paper as much as you can. Cull the use of paper going to landfill.
  • Turn off the tap, hose and use the half flush to save water.

These are some simple steps to help save our planet. We will continue to keep you updated with helpful handy hints so that together we can save our beautiful world. It’s not too late if we all work together.



Before we went into lockdown, the Green Team was going to launch a Nude Food Challenge. When we come back, please help your children make GREEN choices as we need to save our world. Lunchboxes with compartments are perfect to help reduce the need for plastic. Containers are also perfect too.

Please see our ‘Tips for Parents Packing Nude Food Lunches’

Tips for parents packing Nude Food lunches


·Let children make their own lunches. Consider packing lunches the night before and storing them in the fridge overnight to avoid the morning rush. 


·Discuss with your child what they like to eat and how much. Bin audits in schools across SA show large quantities of unopened packaged foods (single-serve yogurts, cheese sticks, sandwiches, uneaten fruit and fruit boxes are being thrown away. This costs your family money as well as creating unnecessary waste. 


·Cut up fruit and vegetables and pack them in reusable containers so that children can eat some and save the rest for later. (It’s easier to eat a wedge or two of an apple and then reseal the container than to take a few bites out of a whole apple and save the rest). A rubber band around a sliced apple will prevent browning. 


·Encourage your children to bring home uneaten food to eat later. Appreciate that play time is also important, so discuss with children how much they can reasonably eat in one day. Often children throw uneaten food away because they don’t want to upset the person who packed the lunch. If you’re not sure how much they can eat at school, start small, e.g. a piece of fruit and a sandwich, and build it up if they are asking for more. 


·If your children have chips, savoury biscuits, or other snacks, try buying a larger bulk pack and have your children put the same quantity into a reusable labelled container that they bring home each day. It’s also cheaper! 


·Avoid buying drinks in packaging that cannot be resealed. Many children take just a few sips at snack time and discard the rest. Pack drinks in a re-usable container.