Middle school news

Welcome back!
We are excited to welcome back the Year 9 and Year 10 students as they embark on an stimulating year in the Middle School. We hope that all students and their families enjoyed a well-deserved rest over the holidays and that they have settled back into the school year with ease.
It has been great to see the students interacting with each other, beginning their new subjects and getting together as a year level in their assembly’s this week.
We look forward to working with students and their families to support them in the coming year.
The Middle School team:
Ms Carol Duggan – Assistant Principal
Ms Amanda O’Hara – Director of Middle School
Ms Rachel Baleisis – 9A, 9B, 9E, second half of 9F Student Manager
Ms Sam Sleep – 9C, 9D, 9G, first half of 9F Student Manager
Ms Emma Colmanet – 10A - K Student Manager (based on surname)
Ms Vana Dimu – 10L - Z Student Manager (based on surname)
Amanda O’Hara
Director of Middle School