Celebrating student success

Glittering Glitch
We are delighted to bring more news of Immy Adeney (Year 11) and the success of her short film 'Glitch'. Made during lock down while in year 10, it was a finalist in the Canberra Short Film Festival. Immy has gone on to take out the second prize in the Frankston Arts Centre short film competition.
More accolades and congratulations to Immy!
'Do yourself a favour' and view Immy's award winning work at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqPidd9k3io
Riding high
Over the summer holidays, Libby Crowther (Year 8) represented MGSC at the Victorian Youth Dressage Championships. Libby, and her horse Max, placed 4th in Novice 2B with 63.38 % and 9th in Novice 2A with 62.59%.
Well done Libby and Max! Your commitment to your sport and taking the time to represent MGSC is admired and appreciated.