Year 12 conference

The year 12 study conference was a fantastic start to the year for all senior students. We
heard from great speakers and gained tips on how to study efficiently, as well as career
motivation and a new understanding of the world around us.
The day opened with Jordan teaching us about VCE Success Strategies, in which we
learned about better time management, self-talk, and the absolute best study music -
Baroque music! His talk was engaging and included a fantastic Dj who kept us all super
energised throughout the presentation.
We then heard from Sacha Kaluri who talked to us about her life experiences, which helped us understand you may not stick with the career you chose at 18 or even 30, but that is important to keep trying and working for your goals. Her story was very inspiring and I know the cohort took many things away from her talk that will help them as they prepare to graduate.
To conclude our conference, we heard from Sonya, who was absolutely fantastic and taught us about how to navigate our world outside of school. She educated us about the laws, legal consequences, and development problems around teenage drinking, as well as sharing stories about these consequences and how they affect people.
Overall, this was an engaging conference that taught us a wide range of things; not
exclusive to just study. I know everyone walked away having learned something new, or
even just gaining a deeper understanding of pre-existing knowledge.
Mia Evans
SRC Captain