Recreation News

What a fun semester of recreation we have had as restrictions eased! We visited all of the local beaches, played beach cricket, Laserscape, ten-pin bowling, paintball, hosted Amity Residential College in a game of basketball, and closed the year with attendance at the Christmas Pageant and going to the movies. 


I appreciate the support I have had from the Heads of Boarding Houses, especially the Gap Assistants. I look forward to more fun times in 2021 and welcome any feedback or suggestions.


In the last few weeks of the year, the students undertook beach trips to Middleton Beach, Emu Point and Gull Rock where they were greeted by a glorious, warm and calm morning. They enjoyed jumping off the old structure into the water, exploring the rocks and playing beach cricket. 


The Anchorage House boys took part in a game of paintball, whereby they were split into two even teams and put through multiple scenarios and games. The final event was a free-for-all, which made Mr Goggins and Mr Watson very nervous. The winner of the game was the last person standing. This game was a lot of fun and saw firm friends turn on each other without hesitation, in hopes of being victorious. It was a great way to end the year with memories that will last a long time.


To finish off the year, some students went into town for the Christmas Pageant, followed by a movie at Orana Cinemas.

Mr Ken Crabbe | Recreation Officer