Message from the Principal

'At our very heart is the desire for each individual student to flourish across academic, physical, cognitive, emotional, social and spiritual domains. We support students to grow in virtue and to embrace a view of themselves and the world that leads to peace, justice, and the prosperity of society as a whole. Ours is a journey towards hope and optimism that is enlightened by faith and animated by love.'

Dear Families,

I am so excited to share some snippets of the Graduation from Thursday, our Carols for the hospital and our Christmas Paraliturgy which you can also view on Dojo. How lucky we are to have a brilliant mind and heart in Ms Ellis Warrener who has spent hours and hours making our magnificent videos this year, in particular the Year 6 Graduation music video. Also to Miss Steph Webb and Mrs Helen Nguyen-Pinili for such beautiful attention to our paraliturgy and carols.


I am so proud of the work that went into producing the biggest component of our virtual Graduation extravaganza this year. Our virtual assemblies have continued all term with amazing themes every week but amongst it all, our very talented Digital and Design leader, Ellis Warrener has been making films for all occasions all around the school.  Ellis has ensured that our community have been connected through happy, child-centred, fun and extravagant assemblies every week, in the last 6 weeks she has involved every child in so many special ways. She has written, directed and produced amazing shows. I am very grateful for the work of this teacher/leader at St Anthony's.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for ensuring that my journey at St Anthony's has been one of happiness, learning, growth, positive encounter and one that has been filled with enjoying so many wonderful relationships with so many.


It is a privileged position to be principal of a school and even more so to be principal of a school brimming with rich multicultural heritage and such vibrancy. St Anthony's is a special place.


Each and every family brings its own unique cultural identity to this community, each individual a unique personality and being invited to learn so much from you all has been a wonderful experience for me. I have loved every minute.  I know that I will take my rich learning and use this to make me a better person and a better leader as I embark on a new leadership journey in a very different community.


I thank the staff who have enabled me to learn and grow and make mistakes and who have supported my leadership so positively. I thank them for their commitment to our families and for their love of education and growth.


I thank the children who have welcomed me everyday with their love and smiles and gratitude. They are at the heart of everything we do as educators and they have certainly had my heart. I will miss them tremendously.


I thank Fr Brian and Fr Martin for trusting me with the position of Principal for the past three years and for allowing me the opportunity to flourish in the Parish and community of St Anthony's. Their support and guidance has been immense.


I thank you, our Parents for taking the time to know me and welcome me every day and trust me with your most precious resource, your children.


I wish you all a very Blessed Christmas and New Year and holiday season and I ask you to stay safe as you travel near and far catching up with family and loved ones. 


The school will be closed for the holiday period and staff will recommence on Wednesday January 27th. If you have any urgent enquiries during this time please email:

Emails will be checked regularly.


I am so sad that we were not able to say a proper goodbye at an end of year Mass and celebration this year. I know that the new year will be celebrated well at the beginning of school Mass and all new School Captains, Vice Captains and SRC Leaders welcomed accordingly.


And for the very last time, as always if you have any feedback, ideas or you need any assistance at all, you are always most welcome to speak with Mr James Gow, Mrs Glennis Kerr or any member of the wider school leadership team and in the new year to Mrs Erin Nagel, the new Principal of St Anthony's, Noble Park. 


God Bless everyone and thank you for the journey.



Patrika Rowley