Learning & Teaching

A Snapshot of Learning in Prep




Our beautiful Preps have made a wonderful start to school life at Christ Our Holy Redeemer!  


Lots of learning has already begun with a focus on getting to know each other and developing independence through our classroom routines and processes.


We thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘The Hungry Little Caterpillar’ who had come to visit, and left us lots of clues around the school.  We travelled around the school to search for Caterpillar, meeting all the wonderful staff and learning more about special places like the Library, Hall, Veggie Patch and even Mr Welsford’s Office!  In the end, we found Caterpillar in our classroom, reading his favourite book!


You are most welcome to come and see our drawings of the Hungry Little Caterpillar.  These are displayed in the corridor outside the Prep classroom.