Student of the Week Awards Presented 5/2/21

Amir S. - 1/2D

This week’s award goes to Amir for demonstrating the HEART value of Excellence. Amir has transitioned effortlessly into Grade 1. His ability to always show Whole Body Listening in the classroom, and complete activities to his personal best level proves this. He is always eager to share his ideas, and respects our classroom rules. Congratulations Amir – you are a star!

Oscar O. - 1/2F

Oscar is receiving this award for showing his HEART values. He is a good friend and completes work to his personal best. Oscar wrote three amazing sentences about himself this week and independently sounded out the spelling of some tricky words. He also drew a beautiful picture to match his writing. Well done, Oscar! Keep up the great work!

Airlea H. - 1/2K

For being a great role model and helper in class this week. Airlea listens carefully to all instructions, she actively takes part in all class discussions and is demonstrating wonderful work habits to the rest of the grade, when working at her table. Well done Airlea, we are so lucky to have you in our grade this year!

Amir R. - 3/4C

The 3/4C award goes to Amir for the terrific attitude he has demonstrated in class during our first week of Term 1! Amir listens attentively and contributes his thoughts and opinions to class discussions. He has also shown the Scoresby HEART values to his peers when listening to their ‘About me’ showbags. Well done Amir!  

Ryder L. - 3/4E

Ryder has settled well into the school year, showing great eagerness towards class discussions and work. He shows great initiative and responsibility by being helpful in the classroom. Ryder is commended for consistently displaying a positive attitude and ensuring he is a kind and considerate friend to others. Keep smiling Ryder, I look forward to seeing you grow in 3/4E this year.

Tyrus R. - 3/4S

Tyrus is congratulated on his enthusiastic start to the new year. Tyrus has been working hard to ensure that his tasks are completed and it has been wonderful to see him showing kindness and helping others in the classroom. Tyrus, I am very excited to have you in our class this year.

Joel P. - 5/6B

Congratulations Joel on making an excellent start to the year. Joel should be congratulated for the kindness he has shown towards others. While selecting our class jobs, he proved to be a caring classmate by volunteering to put another person’s wants ahead of his own. Thank you, Joel! I’m look forward to a fantastic year together.

Maverick M. - 5/6M

This award goes to Maverick for the positive way he has settled into our 5/6M class. It has been wonderful to see Maverick’s creative streak and the effort he takes with all of aspects of our learning so far. Maverick, I am so happy that you are in my class!

Ammar A. - 5/6W

For demonstrating kindness everyday in the classroom. Ammar has begun the year with an incredibly positive, confident and hardworking attitude. He consistently supports the Year 5 students to help them learn the new expectations of being in a 5/6 classroom. This week, Ammar supported another student who was feeling nervous about presenting in front of the class. It is actions like this that demonstrate the wonderful person that you are, Ammar. I am so incredibly proud to be your teacher again this year and we are so lucky to have you in 5/6W. Keep up the wonderful work!

James C. - Performing Arts

Congratulations to James for his excellent participation and attitude in our first Performing Arts lesson for the year. You’re doing so well in music, James. Well done!