
Mike Tarleton - Assistant Principal - Wellbeing & Engagement

Ups and downs!

It was with high levels of gratitude that we look back at our Torrens and Fisher Camps - wonderful experiences for our students! If it had been a week later, who knows what might have been.

The students had an amazing time, lots of fun and engagement with friends and staff and lots of learning about themselves and others in the great outdoors! 


This year's camp to Normanville was fun with my friends. I really enjoyed the snorkelling and fishing and one of the instructors Leith was a great laugh! Luca F12


All of these additional experiences beyond the classroom would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of our awesome team of teachers. The hard work that goes into planning and organising camps and all the associated paperwork had put many schools off, even before the year that was 2020! We are very lucky at Lockleys North and I know from experience over 'many' years that camps and excursions add much value to the educational experience that our students get here.

It was a fun experience and I'm so glad I got to go. It was fun being independent but still having my friends there. Learning new things like fishing and billy carting were amazing. 
Angela Z F13


It is important to say thank you and acknowledge these amazing educators and parents - Zoe, Cheryl, David, Coralie, Sonja, Maddie, Angela, Sara, Nat, Trent, Jonathon, Aleksia, Sofia, Charlie, Chris, Peter, Brad, Chloe and Emma - who gave an enormous amount of their personal time to ensure that all our students had an experience that will last long in their memories.   


There are MANY MANY MANY photos that were taken during our camps - we have shared them with students via their Google Account, these can be downloaded by our students and shared with families.


This year's camp was fun because we got to do different activities - Billy Carts was my favourite because you got to assemble a cart and race with other groups, my group won! 
Trent F13


Fisher Camp to Normanville 2020


A special shout out to George Diakomichalis who definitely went above and beyond in bringing laughter to our Fisher camp at Normanville - both at mealtimes and as DJ for the evening events. 

The challenges were incredible even though most of us had to go outside our comfort zones. It was really enjoyable watching others have fun and the low ropes were hard! 
Molly F12
Camp was a great experience getting to know my peers and teachers better through a group of different problem solving activities. I would definitely suggest the Normanville Camp to future years - it was an amazing experience for all of us.     Hannah F12

Torrens Camp to Woodhouse 2020


I enjoyed Woodhouse because there are a lot of activities that bring your friends together and I like seeing everyone smile and having fun. I also liked Challenge Hill and doing different challenges and having fun and enjoying every bit of camp. Hallie T16


Challenge Hill was exciting because I fell into the creek and got very wet! We played Laser Skirmish in the middle of a forest, orienteering and we made fire with batteries. 
Caitlin T18

Undoubtedly our camp experiences were a resounding success and even better that we didn't let the year that was 2020 spoil the fun!


Wishing you all a happy family time over the school holidays, everyone deserves a well-earned break. Hoping that 2021 is  a much better year for everyone.

