Quality Improvement Plan

The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) is the national governing body that assess the quality of all early childhood services in Australia. Each service is assessed against 7 quality areas. 


Every early childhood service must have a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) that  identifies three areas-

-The strengths of service

-The areas where the service exceeds the expectations of the quality standard

-The areas for improvement that the service is currently working on.

"Ongoing self-assessment against the National Quality Standard (NQS) drives continuous improvement in practice, and therefore leads to better quality outcomes for children." ACECQA 


In term one our service is looking at Quality Area 1- Educational Program  and Practice

"The aim of Quality Area 1 of the National Quality Standard is to ensure that the educational program and practice is stimulating and engaging, and enhances children’s learning and development." ACECQA


 and Quality Area 2- Children's Health and Safety

"The aim of Quality Area 2 under the National Quality Standard is to safeguard and promote children’s health and safety, minimise risks and protect children from harm, injury and infection. All children have the right to experience quality education and care in an environment that provides for their physical and psychological wellbeing and provides support for each child’s growing competence, confidence and independence."


We are so proud of our service's commitment to continuous improvement and all of our wonderful staff who are dedicated to the learning and development of children and their own growth as early childhood professionals.


If you are interested in our current goals under the National Quality Standard, we display these in the entrance foyer of the kindergarten.  These goals are developed collaboratively by all staff at our monthly meetings, we engage in a continuous cycle of critical reflection on our practice, in all seven areas of the National Quality Standard.  

We highly value your input, if you have any questions, suggestions or would like to contribute in any way to our quality improvement process we would love to hear from you. Please let us know in person, by email or add a message in the kinder foyer on the clipboard provided for family feedback.