Extended Care

Welcome to our Extended Care program update!

It has been lovely to get to know you and your children. Children have all taken their own time settling down to the new routine with the new environment, new educators, and new peers. For some children, this was their first time to be in a early childhood setting away from home for a full day. It has been great to see the children that used to miss their family giving comfort to those that want to see their mum and dad. 

Every day, we have different experiences planned in the extended care program to support children's active engagement and their social and emotional wellbeing. The focus is on recreation, relaxation and developing peer relationships with children from all of our kinder groups.  Giant bubble making, growing water beads, jumping in a puddle, making origami spinning top, paper airplane, magic wand making, looking after fairy gardens, crown making, talking about solar system and moon are some of the experiences we have explored so far. 

We watched the Lava lamp making video and tried this experiment few times at the program. https://youtu.be/GWuNQ_6JI18 Children liked to watch the sensory movement and enjoyed exploring the reactions of oil and water. It is an easy experiment that you can try at home with your child!