From the Principal

Dear Parent/Guardians,


Last week we commenced remote learning and have had a great deal of positive feedback from our community. I would like to acknowledge the work of our teachers and ES staff in supporting our community through this process. It certainly has been a challenge to run a school remotely but I am very proud of the way our community has come together to make this work. I appreciate it is early days and there have been some teething issues, and I would like to assure parents that we are working to resolve problems as they arise.


Thank you to the parents who took the time to complete the survey sent via compass late last week. Your feedback is important to us and we will try to address the questions raised. It is great to see that the vast majority of our families are having a very positive experience under these very unique and trying circumstances. We will continue to survey our community during this time to ensure we are on the right track and make adjustments, where possible.


On separate news, D wing has been demolished and our new STEM centre is being constructed off site. It is anticipated that the new building will be ready by late August and this should also include our oval upgrade. I have included a couple of photos for your perusal.


Our local member Ben Carroll ready to commence the demolition and the view soon after.




Arthur Soumalias
