Team 5/6

Parliament Process Incursion

On Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th February, 2020, the Year Five and Six students were given the opportunity to learn about the Australian Democratic voting system as part of our Civics and Citizenship and Literacy curriculum. Dan and Claire from  Linked Incursions spent 100 minutes with each class creating an interesting and fun learning environment where students learnt about the Government through role play.  Students discussed the values, principles and institutions that underpin Australia's democratic forms of government.  They learnt about the key features of the Australian electoral process, whilst identifying the roles and responsibilities of electors and representatives in Australia's democracy. They experienced how federal laws are initiated and passed through parliament.

Students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to dress up and participate in voting for a new Prime Minister from a choice of six party candidates. 'The Environment Party' was popular among our youthful voters who loved to say "here here" when they agreed with a bill. Students completed the voting process of numbering 1-6 on their voting cards which were carefully guarded by two students as part of the electoral voting process. 

 It's only 6-7 years until these students will be of legal age to vote in a real election. We hope they continue to learn about the different parties and their policies and make informed choices and decisions in their future.