Visual Arts

From the Art Room

After a few weeks when we have been working with fairly clean materials, paint and ink have returned to the art room! We ask you again to check that you have provided your child with an art smock that fits, and that is clearly labelled. We do not provide spare art smocks for those children who do not have them, but you can buy a used one from the second hand uniform stall, when they are held outside the hall.

Portraits from Grades 5 and 6

Children in grades 5 and 6 have completed their portraits of people in our community. The children really looked hard at their subject to notice their individual features. I'm sure you will agree that they have definitely captured great likenesses.

BPPS at Zart!

Some of this year's grade 6 children have had the Kimmy Cantrell masks they created last year, chosen for exhibition in the student gallery at Zart during term 2. You can go to see them and the work of children from other schools at any time, or you may like to come along to the opening event on March 26th. Please RSVP directly to Zart, as per the attached invitation.


Mrs Hortin and Mrs T