Principal's Message

Holidays are Coming....

2019 has been a year full of success for our students, staff and our community. Whilst we have measurements for academic success it is difficult to measure the enormous improvement our children have made as citizens and quality people. Our children continue to amaze me with their talents, persistence and genuine care for others. BAPS children can compete successfully on any stage and I look forward to watching our success into the future.


We wish Mrs Pancia, Miss Goodsell and Mrs Scott all the best in their new ventures. They have all contributed greatly to the success of our school over many years.


As this is my last newsletter report for the year, I would like to thank everyone involved in the success of our school. I have been taken aback by the absolute and genuine support of our parent community. Our children will always have the best chance to reach their own personal level of excellence when the school and community work in harmony. I want to thank our talented and dedicated teachers. I enjoy working with such an outstanding group of professional educations who make a difference every day.


Please take the time to tell your children how precious and important they are. I want to wish everyone a successful finish to the year and a wonderful Christmas enjoying time with family.


Mr Dalkeith