Year 9

Food Technology

Term 4 has seen the continuation of online learning but thankfully all Year 9’s will return to school on Monday 26th October. Terms two and three have posed many challenges and the return to school will allow the largely good habits that most students have developed to continue. The last few weeks of the year will require a maturity and application to their studies from all students as we prepare for Year 10 in 2021. 


Applications for Student Leadership will be called for next week and all students are asked to at least consider applying. Initially this will be a written application followed by an interview with Mr Shepherd and myself.


Advance notice that the Year 9 retreat Days will be held on Wednesday 18th (9.1 and 9.2) and 25th (9.3 and 9.4) of November with students completing a Level 1 First Aid Course on the day they aren’t required at Retreat. These will all be held onsite at St James College. We look forward to the return of the students on Monday.


Paul Riley

Year 9 Coordinator