Religious Education

Religious Education Report 

During the month of October, the Church celebrates the events that occurred during the life of Mary, the Mother of God. As part of our daily Morning Prayer, our young men have been invited to reflect on various aspects of Mary’s life and how these events give us food for thought in relation to our own lives. Of course these reflective moments are formally recognised in the Rosary, which has over the centuries been recognized as the most important of all devotions to Mary because, within the context of the Rosary, lies the history of our own salvation. Within the Rosary, we in fact meditate and reflect not only on the events in the life of Mary, but also on the events encompassing the joy, sorrow, light and the glory of Jesus, which are articulated in the “mysteries” of the Rosary. The “Hail Mary”, the cornerstone of the Rosary, is such a humble and simple prayer that has, for some of us, been one of the first “formal” prayers we were taught in school. I encourage you to perhaps at some stage in this special month of the Rosary find some to revisit this special prayer with your family.

Classroom News

With COVID-19 restrictions continuing to ease, it has been exciting to welcome back to our College, all of our Year 7 students. The young men have returned refreshed and are now able to participate fully in whole class discussions based around their RE topic “Christian Ideals and Moral Decisions.” As our remaining students look forward to their imminent return to face to face teaching, they also have commenced work on new RE Units for this final term.  Year 8 are studying the topic, “Beliefs of Early Christian Communities”. In Year 9 the young men are working into the “The Catholic Church in Australia” while in Year 10 we have been looking closely at issues raised in “Texts In Society”


In the words of the prayer of our College patron saint, Blessed Solomon, “may we always grow in wisdom and strength of character and develop a true sense of Unity in Christ.”


Martin Callanan

Religious Education Leader