Principal’s Message
From the Principal
Welcome to Term 4
As we work through these first weeks of Term 4, we have welcomed the recent announcements of a timeline for the easing of the COVID19 Restrictions. This has meant the return of our Year 7 students earlier this term, and as of next week, all students will return on site for face to face classes. We are really looking forward to having the students in Years 8, 9 and 10 at school as we return to some sense of normality for all.
It has been wonderful having the younger students at school - to hear their voices as they move around the College and to experience the life that they bring to the buildings and courtyards during the day. The Year 7 students appear to have settled in well to the routines of school and class. Staff are very aware that this readjustment may take longer for some and are ready to provide any support as required.
With the return of all students to school, there are many restrictions that will remain in place this term, particularly with regards to the gathering of larger groups for assemblies and other events. Staff are planning for alternatives to these gatherings – especially those that we use to celebrate student achievement at the end of year. The restrictions for hygiene and physical distancing will continue to be in place for all, and I thank the students on site over these first weeks for following the various protocols.
This has been a disrupted year in so many ways, and as we return to school, we recognize there is much to do between now and the end of term: school work, assessments and the processes that bring the academic year to a close. It will be important for our young men, families and staff to work together over the following weeks to ensure that all have a successful return to onsite schooling in keeping with the great efforts made dealing with both online learning and face to face classes. Thank you to parents for your work with staff to navigate through the changing requirements of this year.
Year 7 – Class of 2021
Amidst all of the work for the success of the students returning to class this term, is our planning and welcome for next year’s intake of Year 7 students. This term we have been conducting virtual afternoon teas to meet our new students and their families. These are an effective means of connection given that we are unable to have families on site at the present time. In the coming weeks we will be sending a link to a virtual presentation for our new Year 7 families. The presentation will provide details around the practicalities for the commencement in Year 7 for our new young men and their families in 2021.
Year 10 Transition Process
Similarly, there is a great deal of planning and work continuing for the successful transition of our Year 10 students to move into senior education next year. The majority of our students are transitioning to St Bede’s College for VCE, VET and VCAL studies and our staff are in conversation with their counterparts at Mentone to ensure every student is well supported through this process. This is a well worn path that is in place and each year, our students successfully make this transition to Mentone. Support is in place through our partnerships with other schools and TAFE providers to ensure that all other students can move smoothly to their chosen Year 11 destinations.
Our Shared Mission
October is an important month for the Church and is known as the month of the Rosary. October is also recognized as the month, when we support the Catholic missionary work of the Church to assist those in difficult circumstances, particularly with respect to the basic necessities of life: to fight poverty and to provide opportunities for education. This particularly resonates for us through our Lasallian heritage as our Shared Mission.
The term Shared Mission is used to describe and animate the work of the worldwide Lasallian family. This work across more than 80 countries, particularly in underdeveloped areas and to fight poverty, assists young people to receive the education and training that perhaps they would be unable to access without the support from others.
This year has been a difficult year for many in our local community. The College Leaders and the SRC will soon begin planning for a Christmas appeal to assist the St Vincent de Paul Society who support those in need in our surrounding areas. I thank Mr Wood and Mr Shepherd who will be working with our students to collect donations for this cause.
As we move further through this Term and welcome all students onsite, we look forward to the further lessening of some restrictions in the coming months and the freedoms this may bring.
It is reassuring to acknowledge that given the demands on us during these weeks, our Unity In Christ encourages us to draw strength and support from our faith and from those around us, both at home and at school.
I hope that each family may find some time for relaxation together over this long weekend.
Live Jesus in our Hearts, Forever.
Stephen Pooley