General Information
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General Information
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A reminder that this Monday is mid-term break and Tuesday is a public holiday (Melbourne Cup Day) therefore school/kinder will be closed. We hope you all enjoy your extra long weekend!
Firstly, a big thank you from our traffic management team to everyone who has been taking the opportunity to demonstrate patience and courtesy as we re-adjust back toward ‘normal’ conditions. It’s so good having everyone back at school, which, of course, also means we are back to having a full carpark. The staggered finishing times are definitely helping to alleviate congestion.
As we do our best to improve traffic-flow, can we ask for your cooperation in the following areas:
Our number one priority is the safety of your children, our second biggest priority is ensuring we have a minimal impact on the traffic on Mt Morton Road. Where reasonably possible we ask families to consider local residents and please allow local traffic through in the mornings and afternoons while entering and exiting the school.
All students undertaking a Year 12 subject were emailed a copy of their personalised exam timetable during the School Holidays. A copy of the complete timetable can also be found online via:
All exam information is in the Exam Navigator that students have been given, also found online at:
The following details are of particular importance:
Should a student be unable to attend an exam due to COVID reasons, they must contact the school as soon as they are aware of this on 9754 6435 or contact Mrs Fraanje.
Please be aware though, should a student miss an exam for any other reason, they may not be eligible for a Derived Exam Score, unless it is deemed an acceptable reason for absence by VCAA.
We encourage our school community to continue to pray for our Year 12s as they enter the upcoming exam period
Booklists, stationery lists and BYOD lists for now all available for 2021 and have been emailed to all families, as well as sent out via Flexischools. Please email if you did not receive this information.
For your convenience, we've included a few quick links below, however, please refer to the original email for full details.
Selected VCE subjects require the textbooks to be sourced through Edrolo. Further information regarding this will be sent to the families of Year 10-12 students at a later date.
Digital textbooks will be made available for all students in Years 7-10. The cost for this has been incorporated into the fee structure.
Details on how to access these bundles will be sent home at a later stage.
Booklists for Years 7-12 Code: JU9R
Stationery and ISBN lists for Years 7-10
Year 9 -12 student BYOD device portal
Year 7-8 student BYOD device portal
The Sustainable School Shop ( is an excellent online resource available to families to use to buy and sell second hand uniforms, books, calculators and musical instruments. Families can create an account and view items for sale via this website. If you'd like to know more - please log onto this page (, create an account and see what is available to buy today. Alternatively, please phone Sustainable School Shop directly on 1300 683 337.
Families can also buy, swap and sell second hand uniforms from the Facebook Page dedicated to second hand uniforms (BHCS Uniform Buy Sell Swap). This platform enables families to post for sale uniform items or source any second hand items that they may need.
The Facebook group is managed by our Pulse team, on behalf of BHCS. Please take note of the Group Rules as listed on this page, in particular regarding making private arrangements for the delivery of any items (not via Reception).
Future Bus Users: Families wishing to apply for bus use in 2021 are asked to do so without delay (application form below). Applications are now closing.
Current Bus Users: Current bus families are asked to please indicate their intentions for 2021 bus use by completing the e-form which has been sent via Operoo.
If you have any questions in relation to bus travel please email
In recognition of the impact of COVID-19 on schools and families, the Department of Education and Training has announced an extension to the CSEF (Camp Sports Excursion Funding) to help support families who have more recently become eligible for a Health Care Card due to financial hardship.
If you have a Health Care Card that is valid on or before 5th October, 2020, please complete and return the attached CSEF Application Form as soon as possible.
A CSEF claim can only be made once per year. If you are unsure whether you have already submitted a claim for CSEF Funding this year or should you have any other queries, please contact the Finance Office or email
Many families will be wondering what procedures we have in place in case of emergency during the fire season.
BHCS is on the BARR (Bushfire At-Risk Register). This means the school is required to follow a certain set of guidelines during extreme fire days, and will be closed on days deemed to be Code Red. This means that on Code Red days, no persons will remain at school and out-of-school care will be cancelled. Please take the time to read through the PDF of the School’s procedures for a Code Red day.
The School has passed the audit that looks at our Emergency Procedures and the maintenance of the school's grounds in relation to fire risk. We also continue to review our emergency procedures on an annual basis to ensure we maximise the safety of our entire school community.
To view the school's procedure in relation to the bushfire season, please see the included PDF.
CFA Resources
The CFA offers resources for families in relation to making their own Bushfire Plan. This information can be viewed at the link below:
Independent Schools Victoria Articles
For articles by Independent Schools Victoria that speak to the issue of bushfires, please click on the links below:
Helping people deal with traumatic events