Special News

2021 Junior School Captains
It gives us great pleasure to announce the Junior School Captains for 2021
· Junior Captains: Noah V and Coco B
· Vice Captains: Rachel B and Ben C
We would like to thank these students for their past dedication and great leadership.
We also thank all students who courageously nominated themselves for this role knowing that only four would be voted on.
We congratulate our new captains on their appointment. We look forward to their hard work, enthusiasm and fun as they undertake this responsibility.
BHCS Photo Competition Update
Many thanks to everyone who submitted an entry into our BHCS Photo Competition! We received hundreds of entries and are very much looking forward to showcasing a selection in our 2020 Yearbook and Celebration Night festivities.
As a reminder, the categories are as follows:
- Best Family Shot - Telling the Story of 2020
- Best Learning Together Shot - Overcoming Obstacles
- Best Student Learning Shot - Celebrating Learning Success
- Best Masks On (and Off) Shot - Before and After, Mask Style
- Best Zoom Class Shot - Creatively Imagined Screenshots
- Best Zoom Virtual Background Shot - Relocation, Virtual-Style
- Best Real and Imagined Shot - Lockdown vs Where We Wish We Were
- Best Giving, Serving or Connecting with Others Shot - Helping in a Crisis
- Best Unexpected Highlight Shot - The Benefits of Lockdown
- Best Bitmoji Shot - Avatars Take Over
We have now compiled the photos into a short-list (below) and can reveal that winners will be announced in next week’s newsletter! Winners will receive $100 gift certificates!