School News 

Don't forget to bring water bottles to school everyday.

The shared water bubblers are still switched off due to COVID-19 restrictions.  Please make sure your child/children remember to bring their water bottle to school every day.

Operation of school crossings whilst wearing a face mask

The Department of Transport has approved the temporary use of voice command, including specific wording, and hand gestures to assist the safe operation of school crossings during this time of mandatory face masks, in place of whistles.


School crossing supervisors will use the following procedure to summon children to start crossing until further notice:


1. Hand gesture – Hand will be placed out to the side in the direction of the students – see photo

2. Voice Command – ‘Walk’ 


Uniform updates

Please choose carefully when ordering uniform items, particularly shirts. Uniform sizing is standard for all items except for shirts sizes 6-18, which are a whole size smaller than standard. However, we do still have some standard size 4 shirts in stock. The product description in Qkr! has been updated to help families - look out for 'standard size' or 'small size' to help you with your decision.


To any existing families who have siblings joining us for 2021, you are welcome to place your new uniform order via Qkr! using the name of your currently enrolled older child, who can then bring home the items to you. 


Items can be exchanged via the office only if tags remain completely intact. Replacement items will be sent home with students as soon as stock is available.


The ordering and collection process for all brand new families for 2021 will be communicated directly in the next few weeks.


Donations of clean items in good condition are still welcome - please place items in the tub inside the office foyer. These will be quarantined before being placed in among second-hand stock for sale. If you wish to purchase second-hand items, please email the office with specific requirements.


Year 6 2021 windcheaters are now available for purchase on Qkr! for our Year 5 families. Please refer to the Compass message emailed from Mrs Lamb earlier today.

CBCA Book Week 2020

The Children's Book Council of Australia's Book Week celebrations at BPS for 2020 will be held on Thursday 22 October. During Book Week, all students will complete a Book Week activity and look at some of the shortlist books of 2020. The theme for this year is “Curious Creatures, Wild Minds”. On Thursday 22 October students are encouraged to dress up as an animal/creature that may feature in their favourite book. We suggest costumes be handmade to support current restrictions. In addition to this, there will be no assembly on-site. A virtual assembly will take place on Thursday afternoon where photos of costumes will be presented and Book Week activities shared. Classroom teachers will take photos of costumes on this day and these will be available for parent viewing on either the school website or our Facebook page. We appreciate your support with organising your child’s costume and are looking forward to celebrating this day with our students.

Scholastic Book Club

Issue 7 of Scholastic is now available to order online. Please order by 30th October. Children should have brought home a catalogue this week. School gets 20% of the money spent back in books so it's a great way to increase your home library and school resources. If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch. Happy reading! 

Ness Newell -