Education in Faith

Sacramental News

2020 Confirmation Candidates

  • remember to pay your Sacramental levy ($15) by Tuesday 1st December.
  • return completed banner to your child’s teacher by Tuesday 1st December.
  • Students meet Fr. Dong on Friday (20/11 and 11/12).




On Sunday, 15th November, Jayden and Zoe (Home Group CW) received the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Kevin’s Parish.


They were baptised by Fr. Dong.   

Congratulations dear Jayden and Zoe as we welcome you to be a part of God’s Holy Family.


Solemnity of Christ the King

This week is the last Sunday of the Church year; which means we will now focus on the final and glorious things to come!  


It also means that next Sunday is already the First Sunday of Advent. We learn most definitely how our lives will be measured. They will be measured by the love we show. Whenever we offer a drink of water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, clothing to the naked, or whenever we visit the sick or imprisoned, or take in the stranger, we show our love to God. Through our actions toward the poor, vulnerable, estranged and discouraged we show our love of God. If we ignore these people, we also ignore God.


Reflection with Family

It is easy to see the meaning of this Gospel through our actions toward our children. Never in true thirst or hunger would we deny them. If they were sick or cold we would take care of them ourselves or see to it that someone helped us. It is taking this Gospel to the next level that will help our children see the meaning of love through our example. Not only will they witness love through our loving actions toward others, but also there will be many opportunities along the way to have our children share in these actions of love. 

Through our parish, school, and community, there are a number of opportunities for us to demonstrate God's love - not through some sense of obligation, but from a genuine love of others. Think of one way as a family you might carry out an action for this week’s Gospel.


Discussion Starters

1. There was a time I recall being moved completely by love to help another person when...

2. The hardest part about this gospel passage for me is...

3. I was one of "the least" and someone helped me out of love. I remember feeling...


Rozeta Ambrose REL- Sacraments