School of Thought

Rosemary Saxon - Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning

ORBIS Instructional Leadership 

During 2020 the leadership team undertook the Instructional Leadership course through ORBIS and The University of Melbourne, including sessions with world class experts John Hattie and Stephen Dinham.  Throughout the Instructional Leadership program we were challenged to:

  • use data and evidence to analyse patterns of growth and achievement
  • explore the effect of using high impact teaching strategies on learning
  • engage with contemporary theories and research evidence about quality teaching and learning
  • focus on the evidence-based approaches to leading literacy improvement
  • identify a challenge of practice within our School Improvement Plan and implement an intervention to enhance learning.

The Applied Learning Project undertaken revolved around our SIP reading goal:  we will adopt a common approach to teaching and inquiring into text structure and language features R-7, so that we increase student achievement in writing.  The project has been ongoing throughout 2020 at LNPS and the depth of understanding and professional learning by staff has been exemplary.