School News

Room 8

To introduce this semester's Technology unit: Life as a Dairy Cow,  we observed a short film on how cows produce milk and how to care for dairy cows. We found out that cows need to be milked twice a day and can produce up to 6070L of milk a year!!! That's a lot of milkshakes!

Room 8 then had a taste of what it would be like to milk a cow! We filled rubber gloves with water and took turns 'milking the cow"! It was harder than we thought and some of us even got sprayed in the face! We decided that even though it was fun to 'milk a cow' by hand the first time, mechanical milking machines make the dairy farmer's jobs much easier!

We are looking forward to designing the Ultimate Dairy Farm this term! 

Splash Of Colour Assembly

Jackson Harvey makes a splash in Fremantle during National Water Week

Fremantle mural artist Jackson Harvey today joined Water Minister Dave Kelly at White Gum Valley Primary School to help inspire a future generation of water sustainability ambassadors.


To celebrate National Water Week (October 19-25), the students heard how Fremantle's colourful coastal marine life inspired the artist's new street art projects for the Water Corporation.


Through the Water Corporation's Splash of Colour program, the government commissioned the artworks on a wastewater pump station on Samson Street, White Gum Valley, and three electrical cabinets on Port Beach Road, North Fremantle.


The striking designs focus on the blue swimmer crab, which is found locally, and reflect the port city's strong ties to the ocean and coastal waterways.


Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly:


"What better way to celebrate National Water Week in Fremantle than by having local artist Jackson Harvey create stunning water-themed artworks for the local community to enjoy.


"It was great seeing the students at White Gum Valley Primary School, even at a young age, so engaged in learning about Western Australia's precious water, where it comes from, and what we can all do to protect it for future generations."


Comments attributed to Fremantle MLA Simone McGurk:


"Here in Freo we love public art and we're passionate about protecting our environment, especially our oceans and our precious water supply. 


"The kids at White Gum Valley Primary are already active, switched-on, water-wise leaders.