Message from the Head
of Teaching & Learning
Mrs Serena Lewis
Message from the Head
of Teaching & Learning
Mrs Serena Lewis
In the run-up to examinations, it is important that we remind students about how to prepare and revise and help them to collect together their notes and resources but it is also important to explore the ‘Science’ behind why we seem to struggle more in some subjects than others.
Over this term, I will be presenting to the students about how to mentally ‘prepare’ for the examinations by looking at some ‘Brain Science’ – how our brain works. What is it that actually happens in our brain when we make mistakes or fail at a task? I have written a lot over the years about Grit and Growth Mindset but having the understanding of the ‘Science’ behind that is certainly eye opening! The most important thing to remember is the significance of the ‘story’ that we tell ourselves about our own abilities. If we tell ourselves that we are ‘no good’ at something, we will effectively realise that definition. If we avoid experiences that we fear may lead to mistakes or failures, we deny ourselves the opportunity to learn and ‘rewire’ our brains. So mentally preparing for examinations is important but there are lots of practical things that we can all do to help support students as they prepare for examinations.
Parents/Carers often ask what it is that they can do to help support their children in the run-up to examinations[1]. Here is a list of how you can help your child with their study:
Mrs Serena Lewis
Head of Teaching and Learning