Message from

the Deputy Principal 

Mr James Boyd

Welcome to Term 4; it is good to be back at School! 


The campus is alive with energy and this augurs well for our final term of 2020. Much has been written, discussed and shared already about the year we have had, and we look forward to finishing on a high. 

World Teachers’ Day


Next Friday (30/10) is World Teachers’ Day and I would like to share my immense thanks for all our staff here at KWS for their work this year in less than straightforward circumstances. The staff, along with support from parents and carers, have ensured there has been continuity of education, despite the challenges faced. It has certainly reinforced the role staff play in the lives of our students, their families and wider communities. Seeing staff in their professional learning sessions at the end of Term 3 and the start of this term has shown me that they view 2020 as a year of opportunity: a year which has provided the prospect of making changes that might not have been considered in normal circumstances and which has opened new ways of looking at teaching and learning, delivery of sporting programmes and pastoral care. 

COVID-19 Protocols


We will continue to update families when changes occur to the protocols. We are hoping that there will be further easing of restrictions post HSC examinations and that we will, as a School, revert to a more agreeable state of affairs for all. Thank you for your support and understanding over recent months. I can assure you it has not been enjoyable keeping our families at arms’ length! We look forward to seeing you in person soon and reconnecting with our community.



On the first Friday of the holidays, our new Prefects came together for their first leadership day. The aim of the day was to bring the group together to:

  • identify their vision for leadership as a group;
  • undertake a SWOT analysis of KWS through the lens of a Year 11;
  • have a Q&A with a former student leader – Jocelyn Date; and
  • outline how they will operate as a group.

The day was a very positive start to their leadership journey at KWS. You will find in this week’s bulletin a segment on our new prefects and I hope that this will provide a ‘window’ on who they are and their goals for 2020/21. 


With best wishes for the term ahead.



Mr James Boyd 

Deputy Principal