Student of the Week 

Term 4 Week 7

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentRoomAwarded for
CaseyFB8Working independently and trying his best when completing his work. Keep up the hard work Casey.
AstridFL10Independently writing a story and confidently reading it to the whole class. Well done Astrid! 
Yousra 1W6For working really hard in guided reading and contributing her ideas in class discussions.
Tyler1VT7For terrific writing about a setting and using adjectives to describe it.
Leo2P11Approaching his learning with resilience and enthusiasm.
Zack2M12Developing great reading skills and contributing thoughtfully to discussions in Guided Reading sessions. Well done, Zack! 
Zayne3/4P14For spreading happiness at school by telling funny jokes to students and teachers.
Brandon3/4F16For extending himself and working through a range of high thinking mathematics problems linked to fractions.
Louis5M18Consistently demonstrating the school values of responsibility by producing outstanding work!
Jacob5R20Consistently demonstrating resilience when faced with challenging tasks.