
From the Principal

Today, I walked from one end of the college to the other during a change of lesson time. 


Sometimes I dream about a school where students demurely walk between lessons, books in hand and thinking deeply about the next subject they are going to. Where the college is like an old-fashioned library where everyone speaks in hushed tones and with gravitas about academic things. That is not what I saw.


I saw secondary students talking about life, including school and learning, with animated tones. No one was being too silly although there was evidence of teenage exuberance. There was energy and enjoyment and a little bit of excitement about the next class.


In the junior school, there was more excitement about the next class and there may have been skipping. Teachers were greeted warmly, and stories were told. As I moved to the younger years there was even skipping.


Of course, school is not always like that, but it was today. The story it tells me is that our students are generally happy here. Happy students learn better than unhappy ones. They cope with challenges and setbacks better. The disappointment of a poor performance in the morning’s NAPLAN test dissipates with a teacher who is trusted and friends who they enjoy.


And the principal having a pressure day is encouraged.


Life is designed to present us with challenges, but God also gave us the way to face them well. Community for support. Recognition and enjoyment of the good things he has given us. The ability to have a go and use the gifts he has given us. And Jesus as a saviour but also a model to emulate. That sounds like our college values: Build Community, Actively Steward, Learn Courageously, Strive for Excellence and Nurture Godly Character.


God is clever and good.


Jo Roberts

Jo has decided to hang up her teaching mantle after 23 years at Plenty Valley Christian College. She has served us faithfully and well and we wish her all the best in the next stage of her working life.


We are currently putting together a plan to ensure continuation of the significant work Jo has done in the secondary music department.  We will let you know of the outcome once these plans are finalised.



I’m sure you are all aware of the two cyclones and earthquakes that have considerably damaged the islands of Vanuatu.  PVCC partners with one of the schools there in a poor section of the country.  The college has engaged in a number of fundraising activities for our sister school. All this money will be sent to help with rebuilding. No doubt when our Mission Trip students arrive, later in the year, they will still be able to assist with some rebuilding projects. 


Unfortunately, Plenty Valley is not able to respond more quickly to this situation because government regulations prohibit us from donating money to outside organisations unless it is from a designated fundraiser. Nevertheless, I am sure our partners in Vanuatu will appreciate the efforts of staff and students to move as quickly as we are able to support them to rebuild the school.


Entering buildings and student safety

As part of our care for students, we monitor the contact that they have with adults. We ask you not to enter our buildings unless you are invited by a staff member. Reception areas are the exception to this. 


We are glad to be able to have parents back in the Early Years yard but for safety reasons, parents should not enter the Early Years building with their students except through the reception area and with permission.


Thank you for supporting our student safety practice.


My Christian School website

More than 75% of parents believe that a faith-based school should be able to employ staff who support the clearly stated values and beliefs of the school. However, that is under threat.


I am sure you will have read in the press about what judgemental and hurtful places Christian schools are. Opponents of faith-based education have been very good at getting these stories published and the public and our politicians are constantly hearing this incorrect message.


In an effort to share some of the overwhelmingly positive stories coming out of Christian schools, our schools have banded together to develop the new MyChristianSchool.au website which gives parents an opportunity to tell the positive stories.


I strongly encourage you to visit the site and tell some of your stories and easily email our local member. If we cannot balance the negative impression our politicians are hearing they will apply greater and greater control to our schools and we will lose the freedom to say what we believe and be who we are. Please act now.


Parent Survey

We have sent home our annual survey this week. It helps us understand what our parents feel about a number of areas.  In our college/parent partnership we work together. This is an important way of you expressing your opinions which in turn will translate into the way we operate the college. Please take 10 minutes to have your say.


Car park encouragement

It makes me happy to see parents being courteous to other drivers under the pressure of pickup traffic. Thank you. If you could let others into the traffic stream and allow others to turn right in front of you when coming in the opposite direction it will very much improve our traffic flow.


John Metcalfe
