Captain's Corner

Captain's Corner

Welcome to the Captain’s Corner, with Hamish and Cleo!


The year 5s and 6s along with 4 teachers, Mr. Cleary, Miss Bascombe, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Liam embarked on an adventure to camp last week. You will hear more about how it went in this week's newsletter! 


We had a successful harmony day on Tuesday 21st of March. People dressed up in their national clothes and people wore hints of orange, which was amazing to see! We got to try lots of national foods and we even had a special guest parent come in to cook a meal for everyone to try. We all got surprised with a sausage sizzle at lunch time; thanks to all the teachers and students that helped out, especially Ms. Carman who organised a great day for us all. 


With the end of term coming near we are all very busy. We have liturgies all of next week so feel free to come in and watch. There will also be open book mornings after each liturgy! (More information will be provided for each class on Classdojo)


Cross country is on Thursday morning for Year 2 - Year 6! Good luck to everyone involved.


The year 5s and 6s have auditioned for the roles in Finding Nemo Jr. today; everyone is so excited for our school musical! The callbacks will take place on Monday and the roles will be decided by Mrs. Moore and Ms. Cleere later in the week. 




Birthday Corner 

Happy Birthday to Harriet and Cooper!