Our Journey Through Lent

Our journey through Lent

The students have continued learning about this special time of year as they prepare themselves for Easter. 


Next week the students will celebrate Holy Week through prayer liturgies followed by the Open Book Morning. 

The timetable is as follows:


DateTimeGrades Presenting
Monday 3rd April2:15 p.m.Prep
Tuesday 4th April2:15 p.m.Year 3&4
Wednesday 5th April2:15 p.m.Year 5&6
Thursday 6th April2:15 p.m.Year 1&2

As we enter Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the lives of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice and how we can respond by supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal. 


Your generosity is the pebble that allows Caritas Australia to create the ripples that will improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, supporting them to flourish and creating opportunities for future generations to live to their full potential. 


Thank you!


Please return all Project Compassion boxes and envelopes to the school office by Friday 26th May or donate online via the Caritas Australia website at www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion


God who walks with us, be our guide this Lent. Sustain us in our fasting, inspire us in our praying, lead us in our giving. 
